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Kayak Fishing in the Dog Days of Summer
Rocktown Fishing | Rodney Hicks

Rodney Hicks

Rocktown Adventures Kayak Fishing Team, Bonafide SS 127 Kayak

Bass Fishing in the Dog Days of Summer 

By Rodney Hicks

Bass fishing in the hot summer months can be tough for most anglers, even myself. There are several things that come into play with summer bass fishing; things like elevated water temperatures, offshore transitions, selection of lure choice and many more amalgamations. 

I personally like to downsize my lure selection and slow way down, and when I say way down - slow as you can go, literally. Bass are lethargic this time of the year. Using a finesse presentation can be key to putting more fish in the net. My go-to presentation to finesse bass into the net has been the popular Ned Rig. The key for me, is using light tackle meaning a medium action rod paired with a spinning reel spoiled with 10lb braid and 8lb test fluorocarbon leader. Using this combination is super important because having the no-stretch braid gives you extreme sensitivity to feel the lightest taps. Also, when paired with fluorocarbon it gives you a stealthy approach, meaning decreased line visibility.  

Like I mentioned above, the “Ned Rig” is my lure of choice. I use Zman TRDs paired with Zman bullet hooks. Zman bullet hooks have several different weights that will cover all depths of the water column, but I usually go with the lightest weight I can get away with. As an added benefit, they are designed to be weed less, so fishing around vegetation is not an obstacle. 

I catch everything from smallmouth to largemouth bass and many more species of fish for that matter using this technique. Overall downsizing your lure choice and tackle can lead to more bass on your line! Go small on your next outing and see for yourself!

Rocktown Fishing | Titus Dominguez

Titus Dominquez

Rocktown Adventures Kayak Fishing Team member, Jackson Kayak Coosa HD

Summertime Fishing 

By Titus Dominquez

Summer is probably my favorite time of the year to fish. The hot weather and stable conditions make for great mornings or evenings on the kayak. For me the summer pattern means one thing - weed lines. I spend most of my trips during the hot days of summer patrolling the deeper weed edges of my local lakes.  

My go-to bait of the summer is the Senko. I usually throw it on a wacky rig, or if I am fishing in a little bit thicker weeds, I'll rig it weedless on a belly weighted EWG hook. It’s simple and subtle profile will produce bites on the even the most pressured lakes. I'll use that presentation to quickly find where the fish are tucked in to avoid the heat. Typically I'll find the best fish on weed lines that are in 6-10 feet of water. The combination of depth and cover gives big fish a place to hunt and hide. Once I have located the best pockets in the weed lines, I'll fish the whole water column. I'll work the surface with a frog, the middle with a swimjig or a chatterbait, and the bottom with a Texas rigged creature bait or worm.  

I hope that this quick info can help you dial in your lake, and land more fish during the summer. The time is ripe for some fun on the water so get out while you can in my favorite part of the season! 

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Tues-Fri: 10am-6:30pm
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