Rocktown Adventures makes it easier to go camping & hiking outdoors without the gear investment. We help to create memorable outdoor experiences for yourself, family and friends by providing camping & hiking rentals. Choose from a selection of outdoor tents, sleeping bags/pads, stoves and cookware! Our camping & hiking equipment rentals are available for different timeframes and we’ll also show you how to setup and take-down your rental equipment as needed!
Six-person all season tent for car camping or base camp. Provides great shelter in all conditions – two rooms for privacy. Great tent for families or groups wanting separate sleeping areas. Footprint and stakes included.
Four-person large tent for car camping. Great three season protection – extra roomy tent for two to three people. Packing weight of 9 lbs. 9 oz. mtnGLO comes with Big Agnes built0in lighting. Footprint and stakes included.
Six-person large/tall tent for car camping with one big room. Easy to assemble – three season protection. Great for families or groups of 4+ wanting more sleeping space. Footprint and stakes included.
Three-person car camping or backpacking tent. Three season comfort – 70” x 90” space makes a roomy tent for 2-3 people. Trail weight: 3 lbs 11 oz. Footprint and stakes included.
Traditional mummy sleeping bag rated for 20 degrees comfort. Includes Coolmax liner and insulated sleeping pad for added comfort. Sizes: Reg (up to 6’) & Large (up to 6’6”).
Two burner propane stove. Great for car camping with multiple people – 10,000 BTU output per burner. Will hold a 8” and 10” pot/pan. Ability to connect two together for four burners if needed via Jetlink Hose. Requires matches/lighter to ignite. Propane NOT included, but available for purchase.
Four person cooking system. Includes: 5.3L Pot, 3.3L Pot, 8” Skillet, 2 Pot Handles, 4 Deep Dish Plates and 4 Insulated Mugs. Utensils NOT included, but available for purchase.
Single burner Butane backpacking stove. Highly-efficient design and works in all weather conditions – Holds up to a 10” pan. Weight: 6.6 oz. Requires matches/lighter to ignite. Butane NOT included, but available for purchase.
Two person lightweight cooking set. Includes 2.4L Pot, 8” Skillet, 2 Deep Dish Plates and 2 Insulated Mugs. System weight: 10.1oz. – Skillet weight: 7oz. Utensils NOT included, but available for purchase.
Available by appointment on Monday's and outside hours of operation.
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